2009年10月9日 星期五

a friend

How to define a friend
A freind, can help each other
A friend, can share good things each other
A friend, can talk everything even your mood
However, in this dog eat dog world, a friend could be an enemy
That's saying, don't talk truth to anyone even a friend
Don't talk too much even you really trust her or him
Keep being silence even you meet a friend
A friend is not a friend

2009年10月6日 星期二


We will go downtown to Chung Li
We will visit chung li elemtary school and see a movie
I hope we can have a nice trip
I hope my lovely students can be a good student on this friday
I hope we can enjoy this trip

2009年10月5日 星期一

It will be a new day from then on

My notebook could link to web from then on by wireless
I can hook net at dormitory from then on
Did I like to hook net, no! Absolutely not!
But it does indeed net at anytime and anywhere
As a teacher, we do need to instruct class web and need to update it
As a liking net user, I do need to link to net to find information from net
As a student, I do need to link to studioclassroom to study English sometimes
Especially at a rainy day.

2009年10月4日 星期日

Rain Rain go away

There are two tyhoon closing Taiwan, so it will rain all week
But I still hope "rain rain go away, come another day"
Because we will visit "Ging Ping primary school" this Wen.

And if it rain, it is not easy to drive
Moverover my car is old enough, so rain rain go away, come another day